EP21FLV Product Description | MasterBond.com

Very Fast Curing Two Component Epoxy Adhesive For High Performance General Purpose Bonding , Sealing and Coating

EP21FLV Two Component Epoxy

Master Bond Polymer Adhesive EP21FLV is a fast curing two component epoxy adhesive for general purpose bonding, sealing, and coating formulated to cure at room temperature with a one-to-one mix ratio, weight or volume. It quickly develops a high bonding strength of more than 3000 psi at room temperature which unlike that of many other epoxy adhesives, is relatively insensitive to mixing ratio or substrate cleaning procedures. It produces durable, tough and high strength bonds which are remarkably resistant to thermal cycling and chemicals including water, oil and most organic solvents, over the exceptionally wide temperature range of -60°F to more than +250°F. Adhesion to metals, glass, ceramics, wood, vulcanized rubbers and many plastics is excellent. The hardened adhesive is an electrical insulator. Color of part A black, part B tan. Master Bond EP21FLV adhesive is widely used in the electronic, electrical, computer, construction, metalworking, appliance, automotive and chemical industries. A non-drip version EP21FLVND is also available. A rather unique and unusual feature of this system is its ability to cure at low ambient temperature; as cold as 20° F!

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